Results: Thursday
1 APR 2021

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Learn The Most Powerful Day Trading Secret:
The 10 Minute Game


Anyone can have a great day or week. To have 9 years with a net gain of 573.85 % is something to talk about. Making money consistently and over the long term is our goal.

We are proud of our results, reputation, and integrity.

Don't you think it is time to have your money work for you? Stop paying your mutual fund money manager, who you don't know, their management fee to consistently underperform the market.

By becoming a member of PSTL, you can follow our swing trade ideas (trades that typically last from several days to several weeks) in your IRA, Roth IRA, and personal stock account by receiving our swing trade alert idea emails.

We are confident we will outperform all asset classes over the long term.

How did we arrive at our results below for the S&P 500, Gold, and PSTL? Simple.

$147,544 $71,948 $336,926 +195.09% +43.89% +573.85%

PSTL portfolio value is since inception and is reflective of 2009-2012 as is S&P 500 and Gold.

S&P 500: If you invested $50,000 in SPY (S&P 500 Cash Index surrogate) at the open price of January of 2009 and sold it at the closing price of December 2017 this is what your result would be.

Gold: If you invested $50,000 in GLD (gold bullion/gold futures surrogate) at the open price of January of 2009 and sold it at the closing price of December 2017 this is what your result would be.

PSTL: If you had used/utilized $50,000 in PSTL swing trades beginning January of 2009 since PSTL's inception and participated through the end of December 2017 this is what your result would be.

Yes, these would have been your results had you been a subscriber since PSTL's inception.

The results above are hypothetical based upon a subscriber having a January 2009 starting account value of $50,000 and following all swing trade ideas conveyed by ("PSTL") with the same position size, entry and exit prices. All of our swing trade ideas assume a 100% position equaling 1,000 shares or 10 option contracts. It should not be assumed these swing trading ideas are being executed in a live account by PSTL. Results are net of transaction fees of $10 per round trip trade but not PSTL subscription fees. The results have not been audited. Errors could have occurred in the collection of data or in the calculations. The results of swing trades for more recent periods may vary significantly from these shown.

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